
Command of Nature

Created by Unstable Games

An immersive, deck-building tabletop game from the creators of Here to Slay and Casting Shadows.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank you <3
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 09:32:41 AM

Hello :) It's bittersweet to say the campaign is officially over.

27,450 backers pledged $2,090,034 to help bring this project to life.

I can't believe that it's already been 21 days since we launched Command of Nature. I feel like out of all the projects we've done, this one went by for me the fastest. And I am so grateful for the support you've shown throughout these last three weeks.

Today's is the last "daily update" you'll be getting, but we will still be posting updates relatively frequently within the next few weeks as we move into the survey stage and answer some final outstanding questions about add-ons that are floating. We have a lot of work to do in the coming months, and we'll be keeping you posted along the way as we finalize the Sand & Wind expansion, enter into production, get shiny prototypes, and more. 

But for now, I just want to say thank you one more time on behalf of our entire team. We were so excited to launch this game, and you helped us make it better, challenged us, and put your trust in us. And we're going to do everything in our power to make sure we deliver for you.

I also want to say thank you TO our entire team. A project like this takes so much work to plan and coordinate, especially when you add into the mix the number of extras and changes we made throughout the campaign. There were so many people working so many hours to make all of this possible, and I appreciate you all so so much.


Today is the Last Day 🥲
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 08:18:30 AM

Hello :)

We've been moving at a blistering pace these last few weeks with updates to the project, and with just one day left, I wanted to stop for a second to just say thank you for supporting Command of Nature.

When the campaign ends, our work is far from over. In the coming months, we'll be doing everything in our power to answer every question and make sure production goes smoothly and that we're able to fulfill each promise we made throughout the campaign. At the end of it all, our goal is for you to be delighted the day Command of Nature arrives on your doorstep.

For today's update, though, I just wanted to share some delightful fanart for the game that a few of our artists made. I also included links to their social if you'd like to follow them :)

Charlie (charlietheghost.jpg on Instagram)

Tim (timchiesa on Instagram)

Lisa ( on Instagram

Kristen (digitoonie on Twitter)

Brittany (miekonekocosplay on Instagram)

Rennie (spunstarlight on Twitter)

Alvin (nosewithglasses on Instagram)

I hope you've enjoyed being a part of this eventful journey with us over the past three weeks. For now, grab your popcorn and let's enjoy these last few hours together :)


LESS THAN 48 HOURS LEFT! How to Play Video, Playthrough Links, and Social Stretch Goal Updates!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 03:26:14 PM

Hello :D

With less than 48 hours left, we've been doing our best to tie up every loose end we can. We've done 4 livestreams to show how Command of Nature is played (and also to show off different play modes and factions in action, including the new Sand & Wind factions that are currently in development!) But our team also wanted to put together a detailed standalone how-to-play video by recording a screen share in Tabletop Simulator for you to dive into all aspects of the rules since this has been one of the biggest requests we've gotten on the campaign.  

 You can also still go back and watch any of the livestreams you missed if you're interested! 

I'm also excited to announce that we've officially unlocked 25 Social Stretch Goals! That means we'll be working on 1P, 3P, and 6P gameplay modes for Command of Nature :D

We've been going through and updating our Social Stretch Goals folder so you can see all the submissions that have come through :) Thank you to everyone who participated throughout the campaign!!

With the campaign coming to a close soon, if you have any other questions that you don't feel have been answered, feel free to comment on this update or the main campaign page and we'll get you an answer as quickly as we can.

Thanks everyone!

ALL Stretch Goals are unlocked! (+The BIG add-on update: Everything you need to know)
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 08:21:13 AM

Hello :D

Today's update has a ton of information about the add-ons you can expect in BackerKit after the campaign ends. But before we get into that, I am so excited to announce that we've OFFICIALLY UNLOCKED ALL STRETCH GOALS ON THE CAMPAIGN!

 (And we made sure 2 of the 5 were part of the Twig faction to ensure all factions include the same number of characters in the final version of the game 😉) 

  This has been such an amazing campaign so far, and you've made us feel so loved and supported 🥰 It's really been a dream. Thank you!!!!

Now let's dive into add-ons. 

As a reminder, you have two options for getting add-ons:

1. Increase your pledge now (and any extra funds will be available to you in BackerKit to put towards add-ons)

2. Add extra funds directly within BackerKit to purchase any add-ons you want.

If you've been through this before, you can skip a couple of sections and go directly to the part where I show the add-ons that'll be available with the campaign. If you're a first-time backer (or need a reminder about how the process works), please continue reading. I know this is a lot of information, so please jump in the comments and let us know if you have any questions :)  

What happens once the project ends?

Once the project ends, your card will be charged for the amount that you pledged, but your work is not done yet! Approximately 2 weeks later (I'll send out an update to let you know when to expect it), you'll receive an email from BackerKit to manage your pledge. Please make sure the email address on your Kickstarter account is up to date because that's where the pledge manager email will go!

It is crucial that you fill in the information in Backerkit because that's how we will collect your shipping information (otherwise, we won't be able to ship your package) - In BackerKit, you'll also have the option to select any add-ons that you want.

How do you actually add add-ons?

We've talked a lot about add-ons throughout the project, which I know can be very confusing. Essentially, you can think of add-ons as a way of allowing you to customize your pledge/order to include exactly what you want. We are offering 4 different pledge tiers on this campaign, but with the number of add-on item options, there are many thousands of possible combinations of items that you might be interested in adding.

You can look at what is included in your pledge, and then anything extra that you want to add, you can do so with add-on items. What makes add-ons confusing is that you can't add them to your pledge directly through Kickstarter; all of the action with add-on items happens once we send out the BackerKit survey (so you'll make your final selection of add-on items at the same time that you input your address, which is around 2 weeks after the campaign ends).

The first thing is to make sure you've selected the right tier. The information about what's included in each tier is available in the rewards section of the campaign. You can change your selected tier at any time until the campaign ends from the main campaign page :)

[If you skipped ahead, here's a good place to jump back in!]  

Below, you'll find a detailed list of what we plan to make available in BackerKit after the campaign ends.

Anything marked with a green "KSE" badge is Kickstarter exclusive, meaning you won't be able to get it later on our website, on Amazon, in retail stores, etc. The other items are not strictly Kickstarter Exclusive, but if you want to consolidate shipping, you can add them, and we'll ship them with your package! 

A few caveats before you jump in: you may also notice when you scroll through the add-ons that some of the items we've historically included in our campaigns (Unstable Games t-shirts, pins, etc.) are not included this time. We decided to simplify the add-on store a bit to streamline fulfillment operations as a way of reducing risk on this campaign since we added so much, but you can still purchase these directly at or if you're interested.

Additionally, we have gotten a few questions about Casting Shadows: Molten Rock vinyl figures, play mats, etc. - we wanted to get the expansion in your hands early and are still working on the rest of the items, and we wanted to make sure we don't introduce timeline risk for the project since we added in the Sand & Wind expansions, so we determined the best option was to make the Molten Rock Expansion available as an early preorder so you can be the first to play, but we will produce the vinyls, play mats, and standees and release them next year! I also saw a question about wooden tokens for the Scorch and Fortify mechanics, and I am currently looking into this to see if we can do something and will have a definitive answer before the BackerKit surveys go out.

And, with all of that said, here is a comprehensive list of the add-ons we're including in this campaign as of now:

If you have any questions about any of this, please leave a comment, and we will do everything we can to get you the answers you need before the campaign ends.

Thanks everyone! <3

Casting Shadows: Molten Rock - be the first to see it in all its glory!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 08:45:41 AM

Hello everyone :D

I'm super excited to show you something else we've been working on behind the scenes, which is  Casting Shadows: The Molten Rock Expansion! 

A number of people have been asking for a flame/fire/magma faction for Command of Nature (which we can definitely consider strongly for future expansion content) but at least we can still bring you some heat this campaign :) We plan to release Casting Shadows: The Molten Rock Expansion sometime next year, but we wanted to give you a first look (and we plan to make the expansion available as an add-on in this campaign in BackerKit so you can be the first to get it before it gets officially released!) << If you have questions about add-ons, you'll find some additional info at the end of this update.

The Molten Rock Expansion introduces 2 new playable Characters and 3 new Hex tiles. The expansion introduces new mechanics and effects that allow you to Fortify your defenses for extra protection or Scorch nearby locations to burn anyone who dares to cross your path. 

Also, if you choose to get The Molten Rock Expansion as an add-on as part of this campaign, you'll also get 2 shadow meeples corresponding to the 2 new characters included automatically for free :)

So we talk about add-ons a lot on the campaign, and the whole process can be very confusing for new backers who haven't experienced it before. If you don't see any place to purchase add-ons right now, you aren't doing anything wrong. Around two weeks after the campaign ends, you'll get an email link asking you to fill out a survey to provide us with your shipping address information, and within that survey, you'll get to select any add-ons you want. You can think of the survey as its own little online store, and all the add-ons we show on the campaign are a preview of what will be available in that store. We show them in advance for three reasons:

1. It gives you a chance to plan for what you'll want to get after the campaign ends.

2. You have the option to add funds to your pledge now to help push the campaign towards stretch goals and unlock more content, and all of those funds will be available for you to use towards add-ons when you get your survey.

3. I get really excited about everything we're making so I just want to show it off 🤗

As a reminder, we also have our SAND vs. WIND live play test tomorrow on Twitch

As a reminder of our disclaimer: please keep in mind, if you choose to tune in, that the Sand & Wind expansion is a work in progress. You may witness the team stumble upon interactions that don't work quite right, observe cards that aren't quite balanced yet, see art and graphics that are far from finished, and hear debates about rules. We've never offered a view into our development process like this before, but we thought it would be a really fun final stream to include in this campaign.

And, finally, we unlocked our $1.4M stretch goal! That means we have just one more left before we've officially unlocked them all! 

In tomorrow's update, I'll provide a LOT more detail about the add-on process and what to expect in addition to the full list of add-ons that will be available after the campaign ends.

That's everything I have for you today!
